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Audit & Inspection Management System
The client develops public health standards and certification programs that help protect the world's food, water, consumer products and environment. Their mission is to protect and improve global human health. As an independent, accredited organization, the client develops standards, and test and certify products and systems. They provide auditing, education and risk management solutions for public health and the environment. Services provided are Product Certification, Management System, Lab & Testing Services, Standard & Publications, Auditing & Inspection, Consulting, Regulation Certification & Training.
Software Agency Website Design
INNOVATION AS A SERVICE. Engineers at Augusta innovative products to solve line of business friction points. They identify and differentiate, create a foundation that is modular and scalable, develop a strategy, create business requirement document with SRS and turn an idea into an obtainable product to go to market.
Miscellaneous Projects
In this section I tried to show various projects I did over time. I thought they are pretty awesome.